Thursday, March 21, 2013

Agroforestry Future Directions Package Released

Cultivating Sustainable Agroforestry
This report examines the future directions of agroforestry practices in British Columbia and recaps what came out of the Cultivating Sustainable Agroforestry workshop held on September 29, 2012, at the University of BC Farm. This workshop brought together people from various backgrounds and areas of interest, to discuss the current state of agroforestry in BC and the opportunities for the continued development of this land management practice.

The collaboration between 75 participants and 9 guest speakers made for a day of dynamic dialogue and new connections within the agroforestry community. Facilitated discussion allowed small groups to consider current challenges, successes and ideas of agroforestry in BC and an on-site agroforestry demonstration tour helped coalesce ideas from the day.

The document outlines the workshop proceedings and offers considerations and recommendations for moving agroforestry in BC forward. This document, and the agroforestry website that hosts it, comprise the Future Directions package.

Visit the Future Directions website, hosted by the UBC Farm :

Download your free copy of the Future Directions Package