Thursday, October 6, 2011

Stay Connected to Agroforestry in British Columbia

The BC Agroforestry Industry Development Initiative offers many convenient ways to stay connected with current BC agroforestry news and information.

News and announcements are posted on our blog at, available in standard and mobile (for smart phones and tablets) versions. The site features program announcements and reminders about upcoming deadlines and other important dates. It will also feature stories and information from agroforestry development work funded through the Initiative as they come on line.

Under the "News Archive" tab you will find all our past media releases and newsletters from the first phase of the Agroforestry Initiative (2004-2008).

At the bottom of each page you can use the drop-menu and subscribe to our RSS feed, allowing you to receive new information delivered directly into your web browser or the news reader service of your choice.

If you prefer to receive information by email, enter your email address in the sidebar form titled "Subscribe and Receive News and Announcements by Email", click submit, and follow the instructions from our partners at FeedBurner. Once subscribed, announcements and news articles posted on the website will be delivered directly to your in-box.

You can also access this same information through social media. Click on the icons in the sidebar to connect with us on Twitter (@AgroforestryBC) or Facebook.